Saturday 15 September 2012

Day 300: Accidental Beating

This morning my run takes me through a country estate.  It's private, but there is a concessionary path which I often use.  Today the path is closed, so I'm running on the public bridleway that borders the River Ver, but is still on the estate. 

It soon becomes clear why the concessionary path is closed.  I can hear rifles.  It's pheasant shooting time.  Suddenly the shots start sounding closer.  I realise that by running this route, I am inadvertently beating for the guns, as I startle birds into flight.  And also making myself an indirect target.  Not sure I particularly trust the marksmanship of a bunch of pumped-up City boys with weekend passes and itchy triggers. 

Relieved to get onto the road.  Apologies to any pheasants that I flushed in the direction of death and destruction.  I hope you made it out alive.  I reckon your chances were pretty good. 

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