Thursday, 26 July 2012

Day 249: Go, Team GB

Today I almost see the torch.  'Almost' as in 'don't'.  I am in Blackfriars.  So is the torch - but the route does not take it directly through the room I am in.  I feel excluded. 

Inclusion comes later.  When I spot the Angolan Olympic team, huddled on a traffic island just outside King's Cross station.  Trying, and failing, to negotiate the pedestrian crossing.  No form at all.  Their mental game is all over the place. 

Admittedly, it's a challenging course, but it's well-trodden ground for me.  I take them on the inside, and ruthlessly sprint to victory across the Euston Road. 

It's all about the timing.  Winners don't wait for permission from no green man. 


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