Imagine that you find yourself at a time of your life when you decide that it's time to turn your back on the reckless fecklessness of your stoner past. And to usher in this new era of reckful, feckful responsbility, you decide to mark the occasion with a tattoo. What design would you pick? How might you symbolise this new era? Perhaps 'responsibility' picked out in Sanskrit? Or a Celtic band?
Maybe, just maybe, you would pick the image of a baked potato - because 'potatoes come from the ground'. Yes. Potatoes are, literally, grounded. You might include a large knob of butter. Butter to represent, um... niceness. Because butter is always nice on a potato. Isn't it?
There again, you might not. But it entertains me immensely that at least one person did (thanks to DMax for 'LA Ink' - every so often trash TV delivers a gem).
I think it is no coincidence that the potato is TODALLY, like, 'BAKED', DUDE.
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