Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Day 171: Frequent Flyer

A rare visit to the National Theatre, to see a one-man show at the Cottesloe.  Inua Ellam's 'Black T-Shirt Collection'.  It's a thank you from the friend I bailed out last week.  Very good to be back at the National - it's been a long time. 

Years.  When I was a teenager, it seemed the most glamourously bohemian place.  I revelled in its unashamedly ugly timber-textured concrete (and I still do).  I indiscriminately watched as much as I could (I've stopped that) and I collected flyers from the foyer and blu-tacked them all over my bedroom walls to give them personality (I've stopped that too). 

I was particularly fond of this one for King Lear. 



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